Cure from Magic

If a person feels that he/she has been a victim of any kind of magic, black magic must play these Quranic verses and listen to them carefully several times a day. To download this audio file

Symptoms of Black Magic
# One may hear loud sounds of someone jumping and leaping on the terrace.
# There may be sounds of someone pulling a heavy four-legged object on
# The house gets plunged into darkness due to the jinns who perform black
magic in the house itself
# There is a stench in the house.
# One may face health problems in the house but on leaving it, things get
# One can see strange hands or shadows in the house.
# At the specific time when the jinn is dispatched to the house, the victim
may not feel well. This is because the jinn performs black magic on victim.
# One may see blood spots in the house.
# One may find meat in the house.
# One may see taweez and vegetables in the house.
# The victim may feel as though someone has called his name from behind, but on turning around, he or she
may find nobody.
# One may see apparitions which disappear quickly.
# Stones thrown on the house
# One may see jinns after a few years of shifting into that house because those jinns were not there earlier.
# The moment the house is purchased supernatural phenomenon is witnessed.
# Right after the family moves into the new house there are strange occurrences
# If the family members notice that the jinns always stay in particular room or if they are seen entering a
particular part of that house many times, then that part should be vacated.
# Jinns may continue to enter and exit the house frequently.
# There may be pranks in the house such as certain things are hidden or the water disappear from the pots etc
# Jinns living together in groups.
# The jinns punish the house members on minor faults, resulting in the family facing some trouble or the other
every now and then.
# A white shadow is seen often in such a house
# If havoc is created in the house on playing the qirat, then it means that the jinns are appointed by the
magicians but if peace prevails, it means that the jinns are good.
# Repeated miscarriages or death of the children.
# Sudden unnatural deaths in the family.
# Problems in the construction of house, factory or any other building.
# Shortage of money.
# Achievement of objectives seems impossible.
# Loss in the business of property.
# Discord between spouses or the family.
# Problems between children and parents.

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