Moderate Muslim

A moderate muslim could be a person who is born in a muslim family, have a muslim name, identified by association with a muslim community, but with a meagre or no knowledge about teachings of the Holy Book of muslims (Quran) and Hadith (sayings and deeds of the Holy Prophet Muhammad "Sallallahu 'Alayhi wasallam"), picks and choose from the Shariah i.e follows only a part of quranic teachings or may not be following at all any of the quranic or hadith teachings, for example he or she may not be very particular about attending prayers, abstinence from alcohol or sexual intercourse with a woman other than his wife (or vice versa), etc. Such a person can also be termed as a non practicing muslim. These people lead a life, not guided by Quran and hadith but by their own whims and desires, and they  think of themselves as modern Muslims by not getting involved with religion in any serious way.
These people don’t understand their religion, give a clarification that they are muslim because thats what their parents were. To be a moderate muslim is just like saying that a woman is half pregnant, but we know that a woman can be pregnant or not, she can’t be half pregnant, so a muslim can either be a muslim or not a muslim, there is no in between.

They usually don't perform the daily rituals of Islam, they believe in religion of Islam but don't follow it, i.e. praying, staying away from sinful things, etc. The reasons for not praying may be very complicated. It could be because of mere laziness, bad influence of friends they hang around with, bad example of other muslims who have put themselves off the whole idea of Islam even they do not formally reject it or the very subtle influence of television and the media, which presents a particular lifestyle that is more attractive and "modern" than the lifestyle of a muslim.

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